Coração Ansioso

Tantrum in different types of profile

Surely you know what it's like to have a tantrum, we all have them at some point in our lives.
Anger is generally healthy, it is a completely normal human emotion.
But when it gets out of control and goes into destructive mode, it can lead to problems at work, in your personal relationships and in the general quality of life.
Understand how each type of profile handles a tantrum.
They use irony and sarcasm to revive provocations. It is aggressive but underhanded behavior. The embarrassment they cause with their hints can contaminate the environment.

They are those who have fits of rage, often disproportionate to the reason that caused the explosion. They can make the work environment or the family tense with their outbreaks.

Frog eater
Frog eater
They are the people who do not defend their interests when they feel offended or harmed by someone. They don't show that they are hurt or angry. They may seem controlled but they are brooding afterwards.

They can assess whether they are right in a discussion and know how to expose their point of view. Those who manage to be assertive often accumulate negative emotions, avoiding being the protagonist of a disproportionate attack of anger later on.

Everything changes with the profile

Anger usually occurs when there is something going on in life that makes you upset, frustrated, hurt, or bored. Typically, anger is an immediate response to a specific event.
Whatever the reason, you learned that the way this explosive temperament is dealt with differs from profile to profile.
What's your profile?